I came across the lake one night.
I don't remember exactly where I was before
But It was beautiful a sliver of black water
In between pine cone trees and a moonlit sky.
Frozen, from cold winds and awe
I strayed closer to the soundless water.
With only crunching snow
To declare my attraction for its shore
But something wasn't right.
The surface was too calm the moon too bright
Too sure of itself. So refined and well defined.
I stayed, to watch myself on its surface.
Take a closer look,
At the perfect image painted on the water
Bending down I reached out
to disturb the surface
but Something in the air begged me
Not to touch the dark water
But only a finger would do. So I brushed away fair warning
To see Just a ripple across clear water.
Then I’d leave, satisfied
That an ordinary lake was all I could find.
But by the time my hand reached the surface
My palm felt only impenetrable ice.
In faultless clarity, my reflection was frozen
Pressed between sheets clearer and darker
Than any, I could have imagined.
With eyes closed, I could never see
a reflection of myself so clear. So clean.
I could manage a foggy outline at best for a fleeting second.
Never as clear as the one the lake could see.
Forget the ripple. A crack would do.
If I could just see a single tiny hairline appear in the crystal it would be enough.
Not just my palm anymore.
I was On my knees, my whole self was dedicated.
Fists flew against the cold unwavering sheet of the lake
Again, Again, And Again in fury.
But. All I could see was myself smiling.
The image’s composure didn't waver,
But it should have because by now.
I was fearful, cold and shivering.
The confidence of the reflection was Still smiling, however.
Self-assured and standing tall.
I stopped. I had lost.
That was when the reflection shivered.
It started looking worried
The disgusting, serene smile quivered.
It Started beating its fists from below the surface
For the first time, I smiled.
Then I smiled some more. I smiled for days. For months and years, I smiled
For I was underneath the surface now.
The bloody fists had long since stopped
Wandered away and gotten lost.
I would never lose my way from underneath
the icy reflection of her glimmering moonlit eyes.
Keifer Lobo