I have this dream
I’m in this forest, as one usually is,
But its not an ordinary forest,
I mean sure, there are trees and leaves and breezes and that calm mayhem that forests always exude,
But this forest is more alive
The trees are listening to me
They’re listening to the things that humans don’t
They’re listening to the things that loved ones don’t
They’re listening when I stumble and no one notices, they’re listening when a drop of sunshine lands on me and I snort out that laugh that embarrasses me
But here’s the thing,
They don’t laugh at me, they laugh with me
I think, in my haziest of delusions, these trees and I are soulmates from a time long long forgotten
They weave their branches and roots into a path that I trust blindly
And I think,
I think maybe, just maybe
He trusts me too.