Written By Aadithyaa
‘Aadithyaa Sundaresan mentioned you in a comment’ read the notification bar of my friend, the most happy feeling for any friend in the world as many memes on my Facebook wall read. But is it really ? The count of the number of times your friend has tagged you in memes in a day is the ‘quantitative measure’ of a qualitative English word we call ‘friendship’.
We all have changed from social creatures of this world to ‘social-network creatures’ of
the net. But that is what we call evolution in today’s terms isn’t it- making things easier for us with each passing day. Like everything, ‘friendship’ as I term it has also undergone a change from phone call or text channel of communication to one which is way easier, less time consuming and by which you can prove your existence in a friendship time to time - ‘Memes’. Memes are not a part of a social - network today, they are the social network - they are a channel of communication in itself.
It was just another day, where I had tagged my friend in a dozen full of memes, expecting a laughing emoji at max. by the end of the day. But my friend calls me up says ‘We don’t talk nowadays, it been more than a month - we even had a proper chat’. It just then struck, that commenting on a single line of the comment section where thousands have already carved their friends names, is not communication with your friends, it's just a reminder that you are there and you just exist.
Memes are fun, memes are great but not a form of communication which should takeover a conversation